Books Read in 2025
This year may have some, um, themes.

An incomplete list with inconsistent notes.
Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World
By Jason Hickel
Nonfiction; ebook; library; read in February
The first half of this book is a historical look at the rise of capitalism and an explanation of it's many horrible impacts. It was very eye-opening, in that it was presenting things that I already knew about, but connected the dots in ways that hadn't occurred to me. It was infuriating, but luckily the second half offered some hope in the way of new directions we could take. It was interesting that a book I was reading to better understand economics ended up talking about animism and our broken relationship with animals (and plants, and the land, and each other), which harkened back to Calarco's Three Ethologies (read in January).
On Tyranny
By Timothy Snyder
Nonfiction; ebook; library; read in February
This is basically serves as an instruction manual for those living in the US right now, and seems to be an expansion on what Yale history prof Snyder wrote on Medium in 2016. This is a fast read, and I highly recommend starting with the article right now and getting to the book as soon as you have a chance.
The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet
By Jeff Goodell
Nonfiction; ebook; library; read in January
Both fascinating and terrifying; which can be said about many books that look at the climate crisis, but this one is very well written.
The three ethologies : a positive vision for rebuilding human-animal relationships
By Matthew Calarco
Nonfiction; soft cover; library; read in January
This was a very interesting philosophical read and right up my alley, but it built on some other works and thinkers that I haven't read yet. It was written in a way that it was still very understandable, even if you didn't have that background, but I think I'm going to do some other reading and then go back and give this one a re-read to make sure I'm getting the most out of it.
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